Five new important research projects awarded to members of iMAES staff

On 26th December 2017 it was announced that research teams led by members of iMAES teaching staff have received funding from the National Programme for Excellence in Scientific and Technical Research, to carry out the following R&D projects:

FFI2017-84619-P: “Inconvenient truths: prácticas culturales del silencio en la ficción irlandesa contemporánea”. PI: M. Teresa Caneda Cabrera (UVigo). Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; 39.930 euros.

FEM2017-83084-P: “Intersecciones: género e identidad en la narrativa breve de autoras británicas contemporáneas”. PIs: Laura Mª Lojo Rodríguez (USC) & Jorge Sacido Romero (USC). Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; 29.040 euros.

FFI2017-86884-P: “Constructionalization in contemporary and earlier English: Cognitive, variationist and discourse-pragmatic perspectives”. PIs: María José López-Couso (USC) & Belén Méndez-Naya (USC). Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; 49.610 euros plus one four-year PhD research position.

FFI2017-84555-C2-2-P: “Cuerpos en tránsito: diferencia e indiferencia”. PI: Belén Martín Lucas (UVigo). Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness;  48.400 euros.

FFI2017-82162-P: “Re-ViEW: A register approach to World Englishes and compilation of resources for its study (International Corpus of English-Gibraltar)”. PI: Elena Seoane (UVigo). Funding institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness;  60.500 euros plus one four-year PhD research position.