José Miguel Alonso Giráldez
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages. Anglo-Irish literature and culture; sociocultural connections between Galicia and Ireland.
Eduardo Barros Grela
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages. Anglo-Irish literature and culture; sociocultural connections between Galicia and Ireland. Contemporary film; performance studies.
María Jesús Cabarcos Traseira
Associate Professor (Profesora Contratada Doctora). Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages. Scottish literature in English; Australian literature; African literatures in English; postcolonial literatures in English.
David Clark
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages. Anglo-Irish literature and culture; sociocultural connections between Galicia and Ireland.
Begoña Crespo García
Full Professor (CU). Research interests: Language change and historical linguistics. Grammatical description and analysis (phonetics and phonology, lexis and semantics, morphology and syntax). Sociolinguistics. Corpus linguistics. Discourse analysis and pragmatics; text linguistics.
Alberto Dopico García
Associate Professor (Titular de Escuela Universitaria). Research interests: Linguistics applied to the teaching and acquisition of first and second languages. Translation and contrastive studies. Business English. Legal English.
José Manuel Estévez Saá
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages. Anglo-Irish literature and culture; sociocultural connections between Galicia and Ireland.
María Frías Rudolphi
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages. Literatures of the African diaspora. Gender studies. Film studies.
Carlos Gómez Blanco
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages.
José Liste Noya
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: North-American literature and culture.
María Jesús Lorenzo Modia
Full Professor (CU). Research interests: English literature and culture, including literary translation and the connections between cultures and languages. Anglo-Irish literature and culture; sociocultural connections between Galicia and Ireland.
Isabel Moskowich-Spiegel Fandiño
Full Professor (CU). Research interests: Language change and historical linguistics. Corpus Linguistics. Grammatical description and analysis (lexis, morphology and syntax). Sociolinguistics. Discourse analysis and pragmatics.
Carolina Núñez Puente
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: North-American Literature and Other Literatures in English (esp. women authors), Critical Theory–e.g. (eco)feminism, posthumanism, queer theory–and Media Studies (esp. cinema).
Begoña Simal González
Full Professor (CU). Research interests: North-American literature and culture; postcolonial literatures in English; diaspora and transnational studies.
Elizabeth Woodward Smith
Associate Professor (TU). Research interests: Linguistics applied to the teaching and acquisition of first and second languages. Translation and contrastive studies.