We would like to share with you the poster and CFP for the seminar “Cultural Studies Remastered: Analysing Popular Culture Manifestations in English”, to be held in Vigo on 26-27 March 2025. This is an on-site event, aimed at undergraduates, postgraduates and doctoral students, as well as early career researchers keen on sharing and debating their ideas regarding the study of popular culture in English. Confirmed speakers are Prof. Belén Martín Lucas (Universidade de Vigo) and Sara Tabuyo Santaclara (Universidade de Vigo). Further information: https://sites.google.com/view/cultural-studies-remastered/info.
Information on TFMs defence (September 2024)
UDC 1. Dalmacio Casado Puig Title of MA Thesis (in English): Chicana Feminist Poetry across Generations: Norma Cantú and Amalia Ortiz. Examination Committee: Ana Montoya Reyes, Mónica Amenedo Costa, Luis Miguel Puente Castelo (sec.). Supervisor: Carolina Núñez Puente. Date, place and time of the oral defence: September, 19th, 16:00 h. Room 2.2. (Facultade de Filoloxía). 2. Antía Hermida López Title of MA Thesis (in English): Idioms in English and Spanish: Learning through Comparison. Examination Committee: Ana Montoya Reyes, Mónica Amenedo Costa, Luis Miguel Puente Castelo (sec.). Supervisor: Eduardo Barros Grela. Date, place and time of the oral defence: September, 19th, 16:30 h. Room 2.2. (Facultade de Filoloxía). 3. Paula María…
Premios excelencia académica para estudantado que inicia estudos de Mestrado universitario, curso 2024/2025
A Universidade de Vigo convoca estes premios co obxecto de incentivar a cultura do mérito e a excelencia, a través do recoñecemento ao estudantado cos mellores resultados académicos nos estudos previos ao seu ingreso nos estudos oficiais de mestrado universitario da Universidade de Vigo. Convócanse 15 premios cunha contía indidual de 600€, distribuídos do seguinte xeito: Artes e Humanidades: 2 Ciencias e Ciencias da Saúde: 2 Ciencias Sociais e Xurídicas: 7 Enxeñaría e Arquitectura: 4 Data de inicio de solicitudes: 11/09/2024Data de fin de solicitudes: 30/09/2024 Máis información sobre os requisitos e a solicitude aquí: https://secretaria.uvigo.gal/uv/web/convocatoria/public/show/1422
Online Seminar ‘Multilingual practices: code-switching’ – M. Carmen Parafita Couto (UVigo/Leiden University)
The PhD programme in Advanced English Studies announces the celebration of the online seminar ‘Multilingual practices: code-switching’ (see abstract below), taught by M. Carmen Parafita Couto (UVigo/Leiden University). The seminar will be conducted in English and taught online through UVigo Campusremoto. Dates: 25 March, 22 April and 20 May, from 15:30 to 18:30 (9 hours) Attendance certificates will be issued. If you are interested in attending the seminar, please send email to jperez@uvigo.es before 25 February. Abstract.- Multilinguals often use more than one language in the same conversation. This seminar will provide an in-depth examination of this phenomenon, known as code-switching. We will begin with a historical overview to get…
Information on TFMs defence (on going)
UDC 1. Noelia López Fernández Title of MA Thesis (in English): Howling through Time: The Evolution of the Wolf from Mythical Villain to Neo-Noir Antihero in The Wolf Among Us Examination Committee: María Jesús Lorenzo Modia, Mónica Amenedo Costa (sec.), Ana Montoya Reyes Supervisor: Eduardo Barros Grela Date, place and time of the oral defence: July, 19th, 11:30 h. Room Seamus Heaney 2. Hebaallah Mahmoud Title of MA Thesis (in English): Ireland, Nationalism, and the Celtic Tiger: The Economic Boom’s Impact on Irish Identity and Society Examination Committee: María Jesús Lorenzo Modia, Mónica Amenedo Costa (sec.), Ana Montoya Reyes Supervisor: David Clark Mitchell Date, place and time of the oral…
iMAES PLACEMENT ALLOCATION 2023/2024 (final list)
You may consult the placement allocation (final list) here
iMAES PLACEMENT ALLOCATION 2023/2024 (provisional list)
You may consult the placement allocation (provisonal list) here
Seminar on medieval coronation ceremonies
We are pleased to announce the following seminar to commemorate the 540th Anniversary of Richard III’s coronation. Details follow here: Date and time: Tuesday, 19th December from 16.00 to 19.15 (Salón Graos, Faculty of Philology, USC) Speakers: Cristina Mourón Figueroa («Dous ‘terceiros’ a coroar e un único ritual medieval: as coroacións de Ricardo III e Carlos III») Santiago López Martínez-Morás («As coroacións dos reis de Francia») Claudia Fernández Estrada («Coroacións imaxinadas no mundo artúrico»)
44th ELC research seminar (online)
We are pleased to announce the 44th ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here: Date and time: Tuesday, 19th December 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams. Speaker: Prof. Dr. Maria Gabriela Pavesi (University of Pavia) Title of talk: «A corpus perspective on spoken language in and across film dialogue» Convenor: Prof. Dr. Ignacio Palacios Martínez Registration is free but required [deadline: 18/12/2023; 13:30 pm (CET)]. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.office.com/e/tGLZY7CQVg Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees in the days before the seminar. Certificates will be issued upon request. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD…
Convocatoria Prácticas iMAES 2023-2024
Click here for the Call for Applications for the master’s internships (Prácticum) corresponding to the current academic year. The application form can also be found here. Applications can be submitted from Monday, November 27th, to Monday, 4th December 2023. Further information about the practicum here.
43rd ELC research seminar (online)
We are pleased to announce the 43rd ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here: Date and time: Tuesday, 7th November 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams. Speaker: Dr. Marisa Díez Arroyo (University of Oviedo) Title of talk: «The pragmatics of advertising» Convenor: Prof. Dr. Ignacio Palacios Martínez Registration is free but required [deadline: 06/11/2023; 12:30 pm (CET)]. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.office.com/e/pn6Hy5193W Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees a few days ahead of the seminar. Certificates will be issued upon request. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more…
Workshop on employability
We are pleased to announce a practical workshop on employability and career development. Details follow here: Date and time: Thursday, 19th october, 18:00 – 20:00 pm, room B10 (Faculty of Philology, USC) Speaker: Patricia do Camiño (professional coach)
MA dissertation research seminar
We are pleased to announce the following research seminar, aimed specifically at planning and writing your MA dissertation (online). Details follow here: Date and time: Wednesday, 18th october, 16:00 – 18:00 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams Speaker: Dr. Sara Prieto (University of Alicante) Title of talk: «Mastering your dissertation: Navigating academic writing»
Seminar «Irish food culture»
Title: «Irish food culture: tradition or novelty?» Speaker: Dr. Marzena Keating (Instytut Filologii Angielskiej, University of Cracow) Date and venue: Wednesday, 20th September at 18.15 (Salón de Graos, Faculty of Philology USC)
42nd ELC Research Seminar (online)
We are pleased to announce the 41st ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here: Date and time: Tuesday, 3rd october, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams Speaker: Elena Seoane (University of Vigo) & Cristina Suárez-Gómez (University of the Balearic Islands) Title of talk: “The changing linguistic landscape of Gibraltar: External and internal forces” Convenor: Dr. Paloma Núñez Pertejo Registration is free but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.office.com/e/8km1ww913Q Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees a few days ahead of the seminar. Certificates will be issued upon request. ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments…