19-21 June 2013: the Faculty of Philology (USC) hosted IWoDA’13. The workshop was organized by the same teams that made the first edition, IWoDA’11, such a great success in 2011: SCIMITAR (Santiago-Centred International Milieu for Interactional, Typological and Acquisitional Research) and D&I (Discourse & Identity), two research groups affiliated to the Department of English and German of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
SCIMITAR and D&I collaborated with three partner groups from the University of A Coruña, namely AMERGIN (Instituto Universitario de Estudios Irlandeses), CLIN (Literatura e Cultura Inglesa Moderna e Contemporánea) and MuSTe (Multidimensional Corpus-based Studies on English).
Professors Dawn Archer (University of Central Lancashire), Catherine Emmott (University of Glasgow), Anne Fogarty (University College Dublin), Martin Hilpert (Université de Neuchâtel), Geoffrey Leech (Lancaster University), Sara Knight (University of Leicester), Geoffrey Pullum (University of Edinburgh) and Stephen Regan (University of Durham) gave plenary presentations.