We are pleased to announce the 41st ELC Research Seminar (online). Details follow here:
- Date and time: Tuesday, 18 April, 5:00 – 6:30 pm (CET), via Microsoft Teams
- Speaker: Dr. Ana Fernández-Dobao (University of Washington, USA)
- Title of talk: “A study of heritage and second language learners’ interaction and learning: A mixed methods approach”
- Convenor: Prof. Dr. Ignacio M. Palacios Martínez
Registration is free, but required. The registration form can be found at: https://forms.office.com/e/0h3iFj4Xdc
Upon registration, a link will be sent to registered attendees a few days ahead of the seminar.
ELC seminars are intended for members of staff and MA and PhD students at Departments of English and, more generally, for anyone interested in linguistics.
Brief profile: Dr. Ana Fernández-Dobao completed her BA and PhD degrees in English Studies at the University of Santiago. She then worked as lecturer at the University of Montreal. At present she is Associate Professor in the Spanish and Portuguese Studies of the University of Washington, Director of the UW Spanish Language Program and member of the Committee on Multilingual Teaching, Research, and Learning. She is also an affiliated member to the SPERTUS research team at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her areas of specialization are second language acquisition, heritage and foreign language learning.